Friday, July 13, 2012

Mercury Retrograde's Web of Influence (July and August 2012)

[Mercury retrograde's web of influence, its major aspects.]


Why doesn't everyone experience Mercury retrograde the same way?

Not everyone is equally influenced by Mercury retrograde. Because they are ruled by the planet, Gemini and Virgo can be sensitive to its changes generally. Those who are not directly aspected will see the themes around them but not experience them personally.

How will I experience it?

Determining if you will be influenced by a retrograde planet requires some star math, a basic understanding of your chart and transits, or the assistance of an astrologer.

When a planet turns retrograde, it slows to a stop, appears to move backwards, and then slows to a stop again, to correct its direction. These two motionless points are called stations and define the area of its influence. For EST, Mercury stations retrograde at 12' 32” Leo on July 14th, 2012 and stations direct at 1' 23” Leo on August 8th, 2012.

A transit is when the current location of a planet interacts with an element of your natal chart. Those with planets or points from 1º – 12º degrees Leo, or the zodiac signs connected to it by major aspects, will personally experience this Mercury retrograde.

What are some points to consider?

A: What house/houses is Mercury transiting in your natal chart?  This Mercury transit will include its themes.

B: What house does your natal Mercury fall in? All Mercury transits include these themes for you.

C: What aspects is Mercury making to your natal planets?  Those that are strongly placed or aspected tend to do better under a challenging aspect with Mercury, those that are poorly placed or aspected tend to do worse.

There is debate on the correct orb for transits, 3 degrees or less is common. Therefore planets just outside the borders of this retrograde zone may also be influenced. Not all degrees are equal, the station locations (12 and 1 degrees Leo) are the most potent, since the planet slows to a stop on them. Also the tighter the orb, the stronger the experience.

What are the potential aspects for this Mercury?

Each celestial event casts a greater geometric web of influence, touching specific signs differently. This is an extremely general guide, each experience of Mercury retrograde is very personal, depending on the person's natal chart.

~1º – 12º Leo: Conjunction (Yellow)

A conjunction is incredibly strong, blending the energy of the two planets together. Whether this is challenging or not, depends on the two planets involved: Mercury + natal plant. Those with planets or points in early to mid Leo are likely to feel Mercury retrograde strongly.

~1º – 12º Taurus, ~1º – 12º Scorpio: Square (Dark Red).
~1º – 12º Aquarius: Opposition (Light Red)

Historically the square and the opposition are the malefic (“harmful”) or hard aspects. They are disharmonious, producing tension, conflict, or challenges. However, the friction they produce can be harnessed to make adjustments to your life, so they are seen less harshly in contemporary astrology. The opposition can be more easily balanced then the square. Those with planets or points in the early to mid signs of Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius are likely to feel Mercury harshly but with the potential for greater change.

~1º – 12º Aries, ~1º – 12º Sagittarius: Trine (Dark Green)
~1º – 12º Gemini, ~1º – 12º Libra: Sextile (Light Green)

Historically the trine and the sextile are the benefic (“helping”) or soft aspects. They are harmonious, producing ease, flow, and opportunity. Because they feel so good, their potential is often wasted, we don't do the work to capitalize on them. The sextile is less prominent than the trine. Those with planets or points in the early to mid signs of Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Libra are likely to feel Mercury more gently but unintentionally waste its blessing.

For more information about this Mercury retrograde, see:

For traditional and modern planetary gemstones used to harmonize its influence, see:

For an introduction to retrograde motion, see:

Mercury Retrograde (July 14-15, 2012 – August 7-8, 2012)

[16th century engraving by Hans Sebald Beham, with Mercury and the two
zodiac signs Virgo and Gemini]

(July 14-15, 2012 – August 7-8, 2012)

The dates for this Mercury retrograde depend on your timezone. It turns retrograde on July 15th GMT but July 14th for EST (Eastern) and PDT (Pacific). It turns direct on August 8th GMT and EST (Eastern) but August 7th for PDT (Pacific).

What happens when a planet goes retrograde?

Retrograde comes from the Latin retrogradus, “to move or step backwards”. A retrograde planet slows to a stop, moves backwards, and then slows to a stop again, to correct its motion. These changes are actually an optical illusion created by differences in the relative orbital speeds of Earth and the other planet involved. Mercury goes retrograde three or four times a year, for approximately three and a half weeks.

Why do we experience retrograde themes beyond these dates?

A retrograde planet not only goes in reverse, it slows to a stop twice, called a station, and remains slower moving. These standing periods, and the extremely slow motion that precede and follow them, are often the strongest part of the retrograde cycle. The dates above are unintentionally deceptive because they only represent the backwards portion. Slow and motionless planets are potent, because they stay at a degree longer than normal, making their aspects stronger.

[Mercury's changing speed in minutes (') for its July 2012 retrograde.
Its speed is a relative indicator of its strength.]

Mercury's average daily speed is 59' 8”, just under 1º. Almost two weeks before it turns backward, it begins to fall below that. The dates around the motionless stations are exceptionally slow. By the middle of the retrograde, the planet has picked up some speed, but is still about 3/5 its average.

How long can we actually experience this retrograde then?

[The triple pass of Mercury through the same part of space.]

June 27th, 2012: Mercury crosses the degree where it will eventually turn direct, 1º Leo 26'. Mercurial themes can already begin, especially when closer to the retrograde station. The planet slows to a stop, before changing direction.

July 14th – July 15th, 2012: Retrograde Station at 12º Leo 33', 2:16 GMT, 7:16 PM EST. Mercury appears to stop, then moves backwards. It stations approximately three days, July 13th – July 15th or July 14th – July 16th.

July 29th, 2012: Mercury's Inferior Conjunction with the Sun. The middle of Mercury retrograde and its fastest speed.

August 7th – August 8th, 2012: Direct Station at 1º Leo 26'. Mercury appears to stop, then corrects its motion. It stations approximately three days, August 6th – August 8th or August 7th – August 9th.

August 22nd, 2012: Mercury crosses the degree where it turned retrograde, 12º Leo 33'. Mercury themes can continue, especially when closer to the direct station. The planet remains slow, after changing direction.


"She [Maia] bare a son [Hermes], of many shifts, blandly cunning, a robber, a cattle rustler, a bringer of dreams, a watcher by night, a thief at the gates."
~Homeric Hymn to Hermes~

Isn't retrograde bad?

Retrograde is a buzz word with lots of fear unnecessarily projected on it. When a planet turns retrograde, it gets close, bright, and makes a loop in the sky. The retrograde planet highlights certain areas of life, just like it appears to circle parts of the sky. A backwards planet is extremely strong, things ruled by it become prominent but experience delay, disorder, or repetition. Ultimately, retrograde motion is corrective, giving us a second chance to look at the affairs of the planet.

What can be expected during Mercury retrograde?

A: THE TRICKSTER: Mercurial spiritual figures like Hermes are associated with knowledge, including the crazy wisdom of the trickster. Tricksters break the rules, usually through theft, playing pranks, or violating boundaries. Their actions can be a form of radical compassion, revealing dysfunction by highlighting, inverting, or amplifying imbalance.

(-) Situations are brought to an extreme to reveal a truth, unresolved business resurfaces, the past returns to be addressed.
(+) Breakthroughs in difficult situations, insight into repeated behavior, a new perspective finally reveals a solution. Humor, play, and encounters with the absurd restore fluidity.

B: THE UNEXPECTED AND THE HIDDEN: Since Mercury is closer to the Sun than Earth, it stays near it in the sky and retrogrades frequently. These traits make seeing the planet difficult, it is usually lost in the glare of the Sun. Many things now associated with Uranus were once qualities of Mercury, because of its unseen and changing nature: the unexpected, hidden, and reversal.

(-) Oddly repeated events, things move in unforeseen ways, complications for new projects, especially if Mercury ruled (related to communication, transportation, the mind, etc.). Things feel fated, inevitably moving towards a specific goal, or need to be repeated to come to a conclusion.
(+) Experiences of synchronicity, research yields previously hidden information, inspiration from esoteric subjects, fields of specialty knowledge, like astrology. Bargains, unusual finds, and the discovery of lost objects.

C: THE EVERYDAY AND SHORT DISTANCE TRAVEL: One reason we experience Mercury retrograde so personally is because the planet rules the everyday, from our neighborhood to our daily routine.

(-) Delay, disorder, or reversal in our daily routine, schedule, and short distance travel. Complications with technology, especially if related to transportation, communication, or machinery with moving parts, including cars.
(+) Random but beneficial encounters with friends, extended family, and business contacts. Shaking things up causes us to focus on life, not on the routine.

D: THE IN-BETWEEN: Mercury begins each retrograde as an evening star, disappears in the glare of the Sun, and reappears as a morning star. Because of this motion, many Mercurial spiritual beings like Hermes are associated with the in-between: travel (between your home and your destination), business (the exchange of goods between people), and communication (the exchange of information between people).

(-) Miscommunication, from spelling errors, missing information, and failed delivery, to misunderstanding. Delay, difficulty, or reversal in agreements, contracts, and purchases, especially if Mercury ruled (related to communication, transportation, the mind, etc.). Many people refrain from signing paperwork, purchasing mechanical things like cars, electronics, appliances, or anything related to communication like computers and telephones.
(+) An adjustment of our personal interactions with others, especially our siblings, extended family, and neighbors. Because many Mercurial spiritual beings are psychopomps in myth, guides to the recently lost, an end to grief, coming to terms with the dead, and remembrance.

D: THE MENTAL REALM: Mercury represents the mind, our thoughts, perception, and ability to process the world around us.

(-) Indecision, forgetfulness, absent mindedness. Confusion, reversal of decisions, and misperception, especially if the subject is Mercury ruled (related to communication, transportation, the mind, etc.).
(+) An adjustment of our thoughts, perceptions, and understanding. While outer communication may be complicated, creativity is high, meditation is deep, and profound ideas can surface, especially insights into the past, complex problems, and the inner workings of our minds.


Learning is like mercury [the liquid metal], one of the most powerful and excellent things in the world in skillful hands; in unskillful, the most mischievous.”
~Alexander Pope~

Where am I most likely to experience Mercury's energy?

Since Mercury is turning retrograde in Leo, we may experience its themes around creativity and the arts, love affairs and sex, children, and sources of pleasure like gifts, hobbies, and games of chance. Those with planets or points in Leo, or the zodiac signs geometrically related to it, are the most likely to be influenced.

What if I must do something Mercury related now?

We are often given advice like “Don’t sign that contract during Mercury retrograde!” Life is rarely that accommodating. If you must do something Mercury related now, honor its repetitive movement by examining it thoroughly. Things may move in an unexpected way in the future, not necessarily badly, when Mercury turns direct.

For those mostly likely influenced by this Mercury retrograde, see:

For traditional and modern planetary gemstones used to harmonize its influence, see:

For an introduction to retrograde motion, see:

© 2012, C. L. Matthews
[Image Source: Public Domain, Wikipedia Commons.  Graphs by C. L. Matthews, 2012.]

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Meaning of Retrograde Motion

[Retrograde motion is an optical illusion, created by differences in orbital speed.  Both planets continue to circle the Sun but from the perspective of Earth, the other slows, stops, and changes direction.]


“Watch the stars, and from them learn. To the Master's honor all must turn, each in its track, without a sound, forever tracing Newton's ground.”
~Albert Einstein~

What does retrograde mean?

Retrograde comes from the Latin retrogradus, “to move or step backwards”. A retrograde planet appears to be moving normally, then slows down to a stop, moves in reverse, then slows to a stop again, to correct its direction. These changes are actually an optical illusion created by differences in the relative orbital speeds of Earth and the other planet involved.

Since the effect is produced by our perspective, the Sun and Moon never appear retrograde. The North and South Lunar nodes always move backwards, compared to the planets. Although they seem random, the retrograde and direct motion of each planet is part of a regular pattern.

How is retrograde motion experienced energetically?

1. STRONG: When retrograde, a planet is at its nearest point to the Earth and appears very bright in the sky, if visible. Things ruled by the planet become prominent, both their issues and the means to address them.

2. ILLUSIONARY: Since retrograde motion is an optical illusion, things ruled by the planet are easily misperceived now or our own misperception of them becomes apparent.

3. REPEATED: The planet passes through the same part of the sky three times: once before it stops, backwards when retrograde, then forward again after correcting its motion. Things ruled by the planet are repeated, delayed, or feel inevitable. Since the planet is retracing the same ground, the past can return to be addressed, while new projects move in unexpected ways, or lose steam until after the planet corrects its motion.

4. SLOW: A retrograde planet makes several changes in both direction and speed. Coming both in and out of retrograde, it slows to a stop to change direction. While moving backwards the planet remains slow moving, compared to its direct motion. Planets at their extremes (fast, slow, and stopped) are potent. A slow or stationing planet stays near the same degree, making its aspects last longer.

5. REORIENT: Exactly halfway through its retrograde motion, most planet makes an opposition to the Sun. They move like the Full Moon. They rise at dusk, are visible during the night, and set at dawn. Since they are closer to the Sun than Earth, Mercury and Venus form an inferior conjunction instead. They begin as an evening star, disappear in the glare of the Sun, and reappear as a morning star. The Sun represents our conscious mind and the night, the unconscious. Just as the planet moves from night to day, we must reintegrate things into our conscious mind.


How long does the planet actually stay motionless?

If we look around the exact time Mercury turns retrograde, we see the planet is only stationary a short time. Otherwise it moves so slowly, in seconds, that it only appears motionless.  For example, look at the movement of Mercury around its July 15th, 2012 retrograde station:

3:16 PM EST = 1' minute
6:16 PM EST = 12” seconds
8:16 PM EST = -12” seconds
11:16 PM EST = -1' minute

º = degree, each zodiac sign has 30 degrees
' = minute, each degree has 60 minutes
“ = second, each minute has 60 seconds

The apparent width of Mercury, more formally called its angular diameter, varies in historical sources, from 3' to 1' minutes. Contemporary astronomers use a much smaller number, a range of 4.5”to 13” seconds. (Celestial objects appear larger to the naked eye than in a telescope, so figures in older sources tend to be bigger.) This size suggests a planet would have to move at least a few minutes before the change was noticeable.

How long is a station?

Different sources have conflicting numbers for the length of Mercury's station, from one to seven days.  The answer depends on your definition. For example, look at the movement of Mercury around its July 15th, 2012 retrograde station:

7/11/12 11º 53' Leo = Different degree = 17 minutes movement
7/12/12 12º 10' Leo = Same degree = 12 minutes movement
7/13/12 12º 22' Leo = Same degree = 8 minutes movement
7/14/12 12º 30' Leo = Very little movement = 3 minutes movement
7/15/12 12º 33' Leo = RETROGRADE STATION = 0 degrees movement
7/16/12 12º 31' Leo = Very little movement = -2 minutes movement
7/17/12 12º 24' Leo = Same degree = -7 minutes movement
7/18/12 12º 12' Leo= Same degree = -12 minutes movement
7/19/12 11º 56' Leo = Different degree = -18 minutes movement

º = degree, each zodiac sign has 30 degrees
' = minute, each degree has 60 minutes
“ = second, each minute has 60 seconds

On the day Mercury turns retrograde, it appears motionless. On the day before and after, it only moves a few minutes. Two days before and after, it moves several minutes but is still at the same degree.

A station is a planet resting at the location where it changes direction. (Technically, it is only motionless for a brief period.  Otherwise it moves incredibly slowly near this time, in seconds.) By this definition, Mercury stations one day. If very near that point is included, then Mercury stations for three days. A difference of only a few minutes would not be visible to the naked eye. Generally the degree where a planet stations becomes very sensitive, Mercury stays at the same degree for seven days. This explains the wide range of days listed for planetary stations.

[After Mercury stops to turn backwards, it is still slow moving compared to its direct motion.  Slow moving planets are potent since the aspects they make are longer lasting.]

Why is speed important? Retrograde is about backwards motion.

A retrograde planet makes several changes in both direction and speed. Coming both in and out of retrograde, it slows to a stop to change direction. While moving backwards the planet remains slow moving, compared to its direct motion. Retrograde Mercury's fastest motion is between the two stations, at its inferior conjunction to the Sun. During the July 2012 retrograde, its fastest motion is -44' minutes. In comparison, at the middle of its next direct movement, its superior conjunction to the Sun, it moves +1º 54'. Almost twice as fast. Its average daily speed is 59' 8”, just under 1º.

The number of days, degrees, and speed varies slightly each retrograde for each planet. The slower the motion, the stronger the retrograde. Their backwards speed at the inferior conjunction (Mercury and Venus) or opposition (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) to the Sun, is an indicator of relative strength.

Planets at the extremes of their motion (fast, slow, and stopped) are potent. A slow or stationing planet stays near the same degree, making its aspects last longer.  Although we focus on the motionless station, very slow planets are also powerful. This explains why we feel the influence of a retrograde planet before and after the dates listed for it, they only represent its change in direction, not speed.

 © 2012, C. L. Matthews
[Image Source: Public domain, Wikipedia Commons]